Emily Taylor Interview with WYPR’s Midday

Solve M.E. Vice President of Advocacy and Community Engagement Emily Taylor joins WYPR’s Midday host Tom Hall on Wednesday, December 15, from 12-1 pm ET / 9-10 am PT for a live […]

Watch our H.R. 7057 Town Hall Meeting

Watch now: The H.R. 7057 Legislative Cafe Chat Hosted by Emily Taylor Earlier this year, Representative Jaime Raskin introduced H.R. 7057, the Understanding COVID–19 Subsets and ME/CFS Act. This landmark […]

Guest Blog: Dr. Lucinda Bateman on the Discussion Surrounding the IOM Report

Lucinda Bateman, MD, specializes in the diagnosis and management of unexplained chronic fatigue, ME/CFS and fibromyalgia. Having served on the IOM committee that produced the recent report, Beyond ME/CFS: Redefining an Illness, she brings an in-depth, well-informed opinion to the conversation surrounding the IOM report on ME/CFS, the new diagnostic criteria and the proposed name, Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease (SEID). READ MORE…