Full Schedule of ME/CFS Advocacy Week Online Events and Actions now available
This year our ME/CFS Advocacy Week will take place online from April 19 to April 26, 2020. Stay home, stay safe, and make your voice heard by phone, email or social media! This year, we are on track to have the biggest ME/CFS Advocacy Day yet, with over 300 participants registered so far!
Solve M.E. is pleased to announce the full online transition of your ME/CFS Advocacy Week schedule. Our team is working overtime to make sure you’ll have all the same tools and support for your meetings and actions from home as you would have in-person. Check out these expanded opportunities to make your voice heard, from the comfort of home!
Click on the schedule to view the interactive version:
Haven’t registered yet? There’s still time! Make sure to complete your ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM by Friday April 10th. We are still looking for ME/CFS advocates to represent Alaska, Arkansas, Kentucky, Nebraska, and Wyoming.
2nd Annual EmPOWER M.E. Roundtable: Navigating Public and Private Disability Insurance with ME/CFS
Sponsored by: Bateman-Horne Center and KANTOR & KANTOR, LLP
The EmPOWER M.E. education program strives to ensure that no family ever has to learn “the hard way” on their journey with M.E.
Join the 2nd Annual EmPOWER M.E. Roundtable on Monday, April 20th at 1pm ET for an online education workshop, “Navigating Public and Private Disability Insurance with ME/CFS.” Welcome back moderator Board Certified Patient Advocate, Sharon Stevenson, DVM, PhD leading our expert panel of legal and medical experts as they share their advice on applying, appealing, and documenting your case for Public and Private Disability Insurance with ME/CFS.
Sign up for more information at: EmPOWER M.E. Roundtable 2020 LiveStream
Want to support our efforts on behalf of people with ME/CFS? Give today!