Advocacy Cafe Chats

During Advocacy Month 2022, we premiered a new series spotlighting the voices of several standout members of our community as they inspired us with their stories, advocated for change, and answered your questions. This series — Advocacy Cafe — became a community favorite, and we’re excited to announce that we will continue hosting more throughout 2024.

Join us on the last Friday of the month at 12 pm PT/ 3 pm ET as we bring you more stories, inspiration, and conversations. No registration required- join here.

Our August 2023 session featured the special presentation “Caregiver Corner: Resilience Tools for Difficult Times.” Watch here.

Featured Chat Sessions

May 12, 2023

Emily Taylor brings us a recap of Solve M.E. Advocacy Week 2023 with updates on Congressional meetings, our “asks,” and community events. 

June 24, 2022

In this video, Solve M.E. Vice President of Advocacy & Engagement, Solve M.E., detailed big wins in ME/CFS research funding from the CDMRP.

May 27, 2022

This special Advocacy Café Chat included recurring special guests Cynthia Adinig, Sarah Ramey, and Sarah Tompkins, as well as participants from this year’s EmPOWER M.E. 2022: Charmian Proskauer, Melinda Lipscomb, Laura Bucholtz, Suzanne Wheeler, and Art Mirin.

Stay involved!

Your advocacy doesn’t end after Advocacy Month. Use our advocacy action tool to stay involved year-round.

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