Solve M.E. President Oved Amitay joins World Health Organization seminar on Long Covid

Solve M.E. President and CEO Oved Amitay will join other experts as a participant in a series of seminars presented by the World Health Organization (WHO) designed to improve our understanding of the Post COVID-19 condition and optimize the health of patients who have suffered from COVID-19.

Amitay will be featured in the first webinar, Expanding Our Understanding of the Post COVID-19 Condition, held tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb 9, 2021, from 1-6pm CET (4 am-9 am PST). The focus of the webinar will be on finding consensus on the clinical description of Post COVID-19 condition, based on the most up-to-date evidence, acknowledging the uncertainties and defining research priorities.

In it, Amitay will share insights from other post viral diseases, such as ME/CFS, and highlight the scientific opportunity to bridge existing knowledge gaps to benefit people with Post COVID-19 condition, as well other diseases.

The goal of the WHO seminars is to create a forum for sharing scientific data and clinical experiences, while also building collaborations for fu​ture research.

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