Solve M.E. and COVID-19

Due to the health risks associated with COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Solve M.E. has adopted a work-from-home policy, and the Los Angeles office is closed as of Monday, March 16. Employees are still available to take your calls, and will be receiving and responding to online and email communications. U.S. mail continues to be processed. We are committed to providing the same level of service you’ve come to expect from Solve M.E.

In this historic and overwhelming time, we are tracking every story and study to provide the most up-to-date and accurate information to help people with ME/CFS protect their health and well-being. We’ve launched a page on our website dedicated to the COVID-19 information relevant to the ME/CFS community, and will update it regularly.

For years, you’ve taken precautions that the rest of the world is just now beginning to adopt. Your wisdom and experience are invaluable, and the COVID-19 pandemic offers a unique opportunity for people around the globe to learn from the ME/CFS community and others with chronic illnesses.

We’ve included on our COVID-19 page a form enabling our community members to tell us about their self-care practices. There are many lessons to be learned from the ME/CFS community, and we look forward to reading and sharing your stories.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We continue to be dedicated to the fight against ME/CFS, and we thank you for being our partner in these efforts.

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