Alerts + Blog Posts


Guest Blog: Dr. Lucinda Bateman on the Discussion Surrounding the IOM Report

Lucinda Bateman, MD, specializes in the diagnosis and management of unexplained chronic fatigue, ME/CFS and fibromyalgia. Having served on the IOM committee that produced the recent report, Beyond ME/CFS: Redefining an Illness, she brings an in-depth, well-informed opinion to the conversation surrounding the IOM report on ME/CFS, the new diagnostic criteria and the proposed name, Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease (SEID). READ MORE…

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Guest Blog: Armin Alaedini, PhD – The Search for Food Sensitivity Biomarkers in ME/CFS

Often those with ME/CFS experience gastrointestinal symptoms. Biomarkers of these symptoms could help to identify subtypes in ME/CFS. Dr. Armin Aledini is using samples from the SolveCFS BioBank™ to look for auto-antibodies against a range of dietary proteins. In this guest blog post he discusses Celiac disease, which is a commonly misdiagnosed condition with symptoms similar to ME/CFS. READ MORE…

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Guest Blog – Rocky Mountain Highs, Anna Zapp

For ME/CFS sufferers, “coming out” to family and friends about their illness can be a tremendous challenge, especially at the holidays, but it is an important piece of the puzzle. We are proud and thankful to work with individuals who are willing to share their story as widely as possible, like Anna Zapp…

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Treatment FYI: Controlling Pain

September is Pain Awareness Month; we wanted to bring you some resources about managing the pain associated with ME/CFS. For a long time pain was not thought to be a prominent symptom in ME/CFS, but muscle pain, joint pain and headache are common in ME/CFS patients.

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