Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) provide funding to support therapeutic research related to medical threats, and treatments for service members in current and future battlefield settings. In recent years, ME/CFS and Long Covid have been included within the “Peer-Reviewed Medical Research Programs.” Funds included in this account are shared with many medical research programs at the discretion of the Department.
The recently released FY24 Department of Defense Appropriations Report from the House of Representatives includes a Committee recommendation for $5 million to be spent on the Combat Readiness Medical Research Program. It also specifically mentions ME/CFS and Long Covid among the conditions for which the funds could be used. This separate callout was fought for by our team at Solve M.E. and advocates during 2023 Advocacy Week!
Beginning in 2023, most medical research conducted by the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command transitioned to the Defense Health Agency Research and Development organization. The Committee recommends that in fiscal year 2024 just over $1.15 billion should be directed to the CDMRP to fund high-risk, high-reward medical research.
This text will be enacted for next year’s budget following the senate’s approval and the president’s signature.