Solve and Allies Call For Pandemic Accountability

Solve M.E. and the Long COVID Alliance (co-founded by Solve) are among the dozens of organizations and experts that joined Marked By Covid in urging Congress to pass S.1489, the National Task Force on the COVID-19 Pandemic Act. 

The task force seeks to provide a detailed accounting of the U.S. Government’s pandemic response and make policy recommendations to improve the United States’ national security and preparedness for future pandemics and other major disasters.

“The creation of a national Task Force is the first step towards accountability for the pain and suffering endured by millions of people bereaved, disabled, or irrevocably harmed by the pandemic,” we collectively write in the open letter.

If you also want to join our partners at Marked by COVID in taking action on this important issue, click here to use their tool to message your Senator today!

Read more here.

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