Big News in ME/CFS Research Funding

CDMRP Funding Announcement Comes Just 24 Days After Congress Opens Potential $350 Million to ME/CFS Researchers ME/CFS researchers can compete for 5 new funding streams and over 100 awards, up […]

Victory! Six Major Federal Wins for ME/CFS

Dear Friends, Throughout 2019, I reported on our advocacy gains for ME/CFS. Thank you for standing with me and our advocacy partners during a particularly turbulent year while we fought […]

HR 913: The Clinical Treatment Act

The Covering Life-saving Investigations Needed in Cancer and Other Life-threatening Conditions through Timely use of Resources for Easy and Affordable Treatment from Medicaid for Enrollees in Need Today Act (CLINICAL […]

Debunking myths of ME/CFS – the HPV Vaccine

The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination was previously implicated through anecdotal evidence and small series cases as a possible triggering cause of ME/CFS. However, a recent study titled “HPV vaccination and […]