Watch now! Solve hosts CDC for “Recent Strides in Long Covid” webinar

Solve M.E. President Oved Amitay welcomed Dr. Elizabeth Unger, chief of Chronic Viral Diseases Branch at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and her CDC colleagues to share updates and progress on The School-Based Active Surveillance Project (presented by Anindita Nanda Issa, MD), the Long Covid Fatiguing Illness Recovery Program (ECHO) (presented by Jennifer Cope, MD, MPH), and initial findings from the Multi-site Study of Post-COVID conditions (Medical chart abstraction project) (presented by Miriam Nji, MD, MPH).

In addition to the presenter slides, the following links were referenced and shared during this webinar:

Information on Long COVID for the general public:
Long COVID or Post-COVID Conditions | CDC

This includes a section on caring for people with Long COVID:
Caring for People with Post-COVID Conditions | CDC

and Patient Appointments:
Patient Tips: Healthcare Provider Appointments for Post-COVID Conditions | CDC

Information for health care providers:
Post-COVID Conditions: Information for Healthcare Providers (

Clinician Outreach and Communication Calls:
Calls/Webinars | Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity (COCA) (

Research projects led or supported by CDC:
Post-COVID Conditions: CDC Science | CDC

The National Research Action Plan on Long COVID (research agenda) and The Services and Supports for Longer-Term Impacts of COVID-19 (services reports), both available at the same link:

NASEM workshop in June 2023: 

COCA calls/webinars:

LC&FIRP site (ECHO):

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