NASEM Hosts Chronic Illness Workshop with Key ME/CFS Voices

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) is hosting a two-day workshop bringing together clinicians, researchers, and other stakeholders to create a scientific paradigm shift by examining common biological and clinical factors in chronic illnesses associated with prior infectious disease.

The public workshop, “Toward a Common Research Agenda in Infection-Associated Chronic Illnesses: A Workshop to Examine Common, Overlapping Clinical and Biological Factors,” will take place June 29-30 and will include a discussion of potential strategies to treat or prevent disease progression.

The planning committee for this public workshop includes ME/CFS expert clinician and Solve Research Advisory Council member Dr. Peter Rowe, and PolyBio Research Foundation Microbiologist Amy Proal, PhD, who is also a part of Solve’s Ramsay Research Grant network.

Solve M.E. CEO Oved Amitay will attend, and notes, “This event is not unlike the transformative Institute of Medicine (IOM) expert committee meeting that yielded the impactful 2015 report, ‘Beyond Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Redefining an Illness.’ That report recommended new diagnostic criteria, called for more research, and underscored the profound impact that ME/CFS has on the millions who suffer worldwide. This Chronic Illness Workshop convenes some of the most important voices from the ME/CFS network with leaders from multiple disease spaces, all working together to create a scientific foundation for research and increase collaboration to benefit numerous patient communities.”

Learn more and register for the event here.

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