Solve and Allies Call For Pandemic Accountability

Solve M.E. and the Long COVID Alliance (co-founded by Solve) are among the dozens of organizations and experts that joined Marked By Covid in urging Congress to pass S.1489, the […]
Ask Congress to CARE!

We’re excited to announce our House and Senate asks for Solve M.E.’s Advocacy Week 2023! The two pieces of legislation are companion pieces to one another — we will be […]
Solve M.E. Board Member Testifies at Congressional Hearing

House Holds Hearing on “Understanding and Addressing Long Covid” This week, the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis held a hearing on understanding and addressing Long Covid and its consequences. […]
10 ME/CFS Organizations Join Solve M.E.’s Letter to Congress Recommending Priorities for Federal COVID-19 Relief Package

Last month, Solve M.E. identified yet another COVID-19 relief package funding opportunity for ME/CFS and worked with our friends on Capitol Hill to outline additional federal post-viral research and medical […]
In Review: A Year of COVID-19 in the U.S.

This year the one-year anniversary of the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in the United States. It’s difficult to overstate the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the world […]
Finding Resources and Creating Opportunity: 2020 ME/CFS Federal Advocacy Report

After an eight-month politically-charged rollercoaster, Congress ended 2020 by passing a $900 billion COVID-relief package and a $1.4 trillion FY21 budget simultaneously. This giant bill, totaling over 5,500 pages, was […]
ME/CFS Advocacy Week Continues: Can You Hear M.E. Now?

Can you hear M.E. Now? Call Congress Today! We connected with over 47% of congress yesterday. But we’re not done yet! Today we’re focusing on phone calls to […]
Victory! Six Major Federal Wins for ME/CFS

Dear Friends, Throughout 2019, I reported on our advocacy gains for ME/CFS. Thank you for standing with me and our advocacy partners during a particularly turbulent year while we fought […]