Solve M.E. Marks ME/CFS Awareness Day

May 12 is ME/CFS Awareness Day

May 12, 2018 marks the 198th birthday of Florence Nightingale but for millions of people worldwide, the day has come to represent something of urgent and passionate meaning today.

May 12th is International ME/CFS Awareness Day and Florence Nightingale has become the patron saint of this terrible disease.  It is widely believed that Florence Nightingale suffered from the disease during the last decades of her life. ME/CFS patients often suffer in the dark, confined to a bed and unable to participate in life. Florence Nightingale, the “Lady of the Lamp,” represents a soft warm light of hope and compassion.

Watch and share our president, Carol Head, describe the importance of ME/CFS Awareness month.

Help us raise awareness about ME/CFS – share this Times Square video series from our ME/CFS awareness campaign last year.

Solve M.E. Takes Part in Five #MillionsMissing Actions Across the U.S.

This May 12th, patients, families, and allies will gather around the globe to demand action for people living with ME. #MEAction #MillionsMissing visibility actions will inundate social media. Key figures and organizations from ally communities, such as disability rights and chronic illness, will join our fight and bolster our message at in-person events and on social media. Scientists, medical professionals and elected officials will also join in, creating the biggest rally cry yet for ME equality. #MEAction is a global health network for people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, also known as chronic fatigue syndrome.

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