Report from the CDC Medical Education Roundtable

On Thursday, August 30, Solve M.E.’s Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Sadie Whittaker attended the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Roundtable on Medical Education and ME/CFS in Atlanta, GA. In this short video, she discusses the conference with Scientific Administrator Allison Ramiller and explains why advocacy with government agencies like the CDC is important to developing medical education materials and raising awareness about ME/CFS.

The CDC Roundtable on Medical Education and ME/CFS occurred just a year after Solve M.E. worked successfully with over 50 other stakeholders to change CDC website content about ME/CFS. While the forward progress in the project is not yet complete, that first step of improvement has yielded positive results.

This new Medical Education group is working in a similar stakeholder-engaged fashion to address the gaps in healthcare provider education and understanding of ME/CFS. Solve M.E. is gratified to have a place at the table in this process to effect positive changes for the ME/CFS community.

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