“Micro-clots, Skeletal Muscle Pain and Post-Exertional Malaise in Patients with Long Covid: From Pathophysiology to Treatment
Principal Investigator: Rob Wüst, PhD

Rob Wüst, PhD

“Micro-clots, Skeletal Muscle Pain and Post-Exertional Malaise in Patients with Long Covid: From Pathophysiology to Treatment
Principal Investigator: Rob Wüst, PhD

Wust headshot

Rob Wüst, PhD (Principal Investigator), is an assistant-professor at the Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences at the Vrije University Amsterdam (The Netherlands). One of his main scientific interests includes studying skeletal muscle metabolism during health and disease. He uses various techniques to address research questions related to skeletal muscle mitochondrial metabolism.

In collaboration with Prof Michele van Vugt and Brent Appelman MD from Amsterdam UMC, Dr Wüst will study the pathophysiology of post-exertional malaise in patients with long-covid during post-exertional malaise. This will provide a deeper molecular understanding of skeletal muscle adaptations in patients with long-covid, and ultimately also patients with ME/CFS.

Study Summary

Skeletal muscle-related symptoms, such as fatigue and post-exertional malaise (PEM), are hallmark symptoms of patients with long-covid and ME/CFS. PEM limits daily life activities in patients, where extreme muscle fatigue and other symptoms worsen after an acute bout of exercise. In this translational project, we will provide a better fundamental understanding of the biological aspects of skeletal muscle adaptations during PEM. The primary aim is to unravel the origins of muscle pain, extreme muscle fatigue and post-exertional malaise in patients with long-covid. For this, we perform molecular analyses on skeletal muscle biopsies and blood obtained before and after the induction of PEM. 

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