March 2018

Discovery Forum 2017

View the full presentation from Discovery Forum 2017 with Dr. Maureen Hanson, Professor of Molecular Biology & Genetics at Cornell University. 

Updates for ME/CFS Advocacy Week in May!

Solve M.E.’s ME/CFS Advocacy Day is May 15th on Capitol Hill. This unique event brings people with ME/CFS, their loved ones, advocates, scientists, clinicians and caregivers from across the country to meet other advocates, and share their unique stories with members of congress, and demand action and research funding for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome.

We are powerful when we come together in one voice.

(Pictured above, left to right: Fiona Newberry, Dr. Simon Carding, Dr. Tom Wileman)

Solve M.E. Ramsay Awards 2017: Meet Research Team 3

Solve M.E. supports worthy ME/CFS research projects across a range of disciplines. In 2017, we funded five research projects and their work is currently underway.

Fiona Newberry, a PhD candidate at Quadram Institute and the University of East Anglia in the U.K., is leading a Ramsay 2017 project exploring the role of the gut microbiome in ME/CFS. Dr. Simon Carding of the Carding group at Quadram Institute and Prof. Tom Wileman, Director of the Biomedical Research Centre at the University of East Anglia, are co-Investigators on the project. 

Learn more about our Ramsay Research Grants here.

Solve M.E. MeetME Travel Awards: from the U.K. to Australia

Solve M.E. is proud to have supported Fane Mensah (PhD candidate at University College London, Ramsay 2016 Team 2 member) with a meetME Travel Award to facilitate collaboration with Dr. Chris Armstrong, a metabolomics expert at Melbourne University in Australia. As part of their Ramsay Research Award supported project with Dr. Jo Cambridge (University College London), the team is examining the links between immune cell functioning and their metabolic capacities in ME/CFS patients, as compared to healthy controls. 

Association of chronic fatigue syndrome with premature telomere attrition

Unique insight into biological differences in ME/CFS has come out of a follow-up phase of the Georgia CFS Surveillance study, a longitudinal study of ME/CFS and fatiguing illnesses funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In their paper titled “Association of chronic fatigue syndrome with premature telomere attrition”, Mangalathu et al found a significant association of ME/CFS with premature telomere shortening.

Value of Circulating Cytokine Profiling During Submaximal Exercise Testing in ME/CFS

Cytokines are a broad category of proteins that are important in immune cell signaling and the regulation of inflammation. Numerous studies have found evidence of disrupted cytokine profiles in individuals with ME/CFS, implicating the immune system and inflammation in the pathophysiology of the disease. 

ME/CFS Clinicians Summit

The Bateman Horne Center in Salt Lake City, Utah hosted a seminal gathering of expert ME/CFS clinicians on March 2-3, 2018. The ME/CFS Clinicians Summit was a crucial first step to address the longstanding need to establish best practices in the diagnosis and treatment of ME/CFS. The gathering was driven by the Bateman Horne Center’s Director, Dr. Cindy Bateman (Solve M.E. Research Advisory Council (RAC) ad hoc member) and attended by expert ME/CFS clinicians that have been pivotal in the field, including Dr. Sue Levine (Levine Clinic NYC, Solve M.E. RAC member). The Summit laid an important foundation to build upon. We look forward to its impact on ME/CFS treatment.

For coverage on the Summit, read “Much Can Be Done to Ease ‘Chronic Fatigue Syndrome’ Symptoms”  by Miriam E. Tucker in Medscape and watch Dr. Bateman’s video summary.

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