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  • CDMRP Program at Department of Defense Announces $1.6M Grant for ME/CFS Research

CDMRP Program at Department of Defense Announces $1.6M Grant for ME/CFS Research

CDMRP $1.6 MillionAt Solve M.E., our advocacy team is dedicated to opening new funding avenues for ME/CFS, Long Covid, and post-infection disease research and care. 

We’re excited to share that our efforts at the Department of Defense (DoD) have continued to yield big results! This week, we learned that Ronald W. Davis, PhD, Chair of OMF Scientific Advisory Board & Director of the OMF received an incredible $1.6 million grant from the DOD to study Manganese and its role in ME/CFS.

Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs provide funding to support therapeutic research related to medical threats, and treatments for Service Members in current and future battlefield settings. In recent years ME/CFS has been included within the ‘Peer-Reviewed Medical Research Programs.’ Funds included in this account are shared with many medical research programs at the discretion of the Department. In April, Solve M.E. hosted a webinar about PRMRP and the application process. Watch the webinar here

Congratulations to OMF and Dr. Davis for this incredible win for ME/CFS research! Solve M.E. is celebrating another big research win from the CDMRP program this year.

Draft Defense Appropriations Bill Includes Language for Long Covid and ME/CFS Research

A draft of the FY23 Department of Defense Appropriations Bill from the House of Representatives includes language addressing ME/CFS and Long Covid. This separate callout was fought for by our team at Solve M.E. and advocates during ME/CFS Advocacy Month! The report reads:

“LONG COVID AND MYALGIC ENCEPHALOMYELITIS/CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME: The Committee urges the Secretary of Defense, in conjunction with the Service Surgeons General, to address research projects related to diagnostic testing, cures, and treatments for post-viral illness, specifically Long COVID and myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). The Committee recommends that the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs conduct research on Long COVID and ME/CFS with a focus on issues related to military populations.”

Read the full bill here.

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