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  • 42 Members of Congress Deliver for ME/CFS

42 Members of Congress Deliver for ME/CFS

Thanks to another strong turnout from the ME/CFS advocacy community, 14 Senators and 28 Congressional Representatives joined together to sign this bipartisan letter to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in support of people with ME/CFS. The bicameral letter was sponsored by Senator Ed Markey (MA) in the Senate and Congresswoman Anna Eshoo (CA-18) in the House of Representatives. The letter was drafted as an urgent response to the sudden termination of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee (CFSAC). The letter does the following:

(1) States that more must be done by HHS to address ME/CFS needs,

(2) Describes the challenges we face,

(3) Requests that HHS explain how it will fill the gap left by the September 2018 dissolution of CFSAC,

(4) Poses detailed questions regarding the ME/CFS activities and plans of the National Institutes of Health and Centers for Disease Control, and

(5) Requests a formal response from HHS by January 12, 2019.

The letter was signed by:

CA Dianne Feinstein @SenFeinstein www.facebook.com/SenatorFeinstein/
CA Kamala D. Harris @SenKamalaHarris www.facebook.com/SenatorKamalaHarris/
CT Richard Blumenthal @SenBlumenthal www.facebook.com/SenBlumenthal
DE Christopher A. Coons @ChrisCoons www.facebook.com/senatorchriscoons
MA Edward J. Markey @SenMarkey www.facebook.com/EdJMarkey
MA Elizabeth Warren @SenWarren www.facebook.com/senatorelizabethwarren
MD Chris Van Hollen @ChrisVanHollen www.facebook.com/chrisvanhollen/
ME Angus S. King, Jr. @SenAngusKing www.facebook.com/SenatorAngusSKingJr
MI Debbie Stabenow @SenStabenow www.facebook.com/SenatorStabenow/
NJ Cory A. Booker @SenBooker
NV Catherine Cortez Masto @SenCortezMasto www.facebook.com/SenatorCortezMasto/
OH Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown www.facebook.com/SenatorSherrodBrown/
PA Robert P. Casey, Jr. @SenBobCasey www.facebook.com/SenatorBobCasey
WA Maria Cantwell @SenatorCantwell www.facebook.com/senatorcantwell/


AZ-03 Raúl M. Grijalva @RepRaulGrijalva www.facebook.com/Rep.Grijalva
AZ-09 Kyrsten Sinema @RepSinema www.facebook.com/CongresswomanSinema/
CA-02 Jared Hoffman @RepHuffman www.facebook.com/RepHuffman
CA-06 Doris Matsui @DorisMatsui http://go.solvecfs.org/e/192652/doris-matsui/scw2l/93525717?h=mN0Cryt4_CBdY28SJyICNllSLrRzbyNS8eR91RBIF_w
CA-11 Mark DeSaulnier @RepDeSaulnier www.facebook.com/RepMarkDeSaulnier
CA-13 Barbara Lee @RepBarbaraLee www.facebook.com/RepBarbaraLee
CA-14 Jackie Speier @RepSpeier www.facebook.com/JackieSpeier
CA-15 Eric Swalwell @RepSwalwell www.facebook.com/CongressmanEricSwalwell
CA-18 Anna G. Eshoo @RepAnnaEshoo ‏ www.facebook.com/RepAnnaEshoo
CA-19 Zoe Lofgren @RepZoeLofgren www.facebook.com/zoelofgren
CA-26 Julia Brownley @JuliaBrownley26 www.facebook.com/RepJuliaBrownley
CA-33 Ted Lieu @RepTedLieu www.facebook.com/RepTedLieu
CA-47 Alan Lowenthal @RepLowenthal www.facebook.com/RepLowenthal
CO-06 Mike Coffman @RepMikeCoffman www.facebook.com/repmikecoffman
CO-07 Ed Perlmutter @RepPerlmutter www.facebook.com/RepPerlmutter
CT-05 Elizabeth H. Esty @RepEsty www.facebook.com/RepEsty
GA-05 John Lewis @repjohnlewis www.facebook.com/RepJohnLewis
MA-02 Jim McGovern @RepMcGovern www.facebook.com/RepJimMcGovern/
MA-04 Joseph P. Kennedy, III @RepJoeKennedy www.facebook.com/CongressmanJoeKennedyIII/
MA-05 Katherine Clark @RepKClark
MA-06 Seth Moulton @teammoulton www.facebook.com/RepMoulton
MA-08 Stephen F. Lynch @RepStephenLynch www.facebook.com/repstephenlynch
MD-08 Jamie Raskin @RepRaskin www.facebook.com/RepRaskin/
MD-02 C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger @Call_Me_Dutch www.facebook.com/RepDutchRuppersberger
ME-01 Chellie Pingree @chelliepingree www.facebook.com/ChelliePingree/
NH-02 Ann McLane Kuster @RepAnnieKuster www.facebook.com/CongresswomanAnnieKuster
NJ-12 Bonnie Watson Coleman @RepBonnie www.facebook.com/RepBonnie/
OH-14 David Joyce DaveJoyceOH14 www.facebook.com/DaveJoyceOH/


This month’s joint action on Capitol Hill was executed as a partnership among #MEAction, the Solve ME/CFS Initiative, and the Massachusetts ME/CFS & FM Association.

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