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  • New Diagnostic Codes for ME/CFS in the U.S. ICD-10-CM

New Diagnostic Codes for ME/CFS in the U.S. ICD-10-CM

Starting this month, doctors will be able to add a unique code for ME/CFS into your medical record — G93.32. Going forward, Americans diagnosed with ME/CFS, including any new cases following COVID, will no longer be invisible. Find more information on the Center for Disease Control website.

This code, or ICD-10-CM, is the U.S. version of the International Classification of Diseases used to track diseases globally. The new code will ensure proper tracking of diagnosed cases of ME/CFS in newly created electronic health records, as well as ME/CFS disease mortality and morbidity and assessment of its disease burden and healthcare utilization and cost. It impacts insurance billing, reimbursement, and even research efforts by institutions such as the NIH and CDC. Learn more about the impact of the new code here.

This update was made possible by the joint efforts of several ME/CFS organizations: Solve M.E., #MEAction, Open Medicine Foundation, International Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Massachusetts ME/CFS & FM Association, Pandora Org and Minnesota ME/CFS Alliance.  

To learn more about how patients can ensure their records are properly coded, and providers can work to accurately diagnose ME/CFS here.

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