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  • You + ME Registry Reaches New Milestone: 2,000 Registrations

You + ME Registry Reaches New Milestone: 2,000 Registrations

We’re thrilled to announce that enrollment in the You + ME Registry has reached 2,000 participants! This would not have been possible without the support of this amazing community. Together, you have not only contributed over 1 million data points that can help drive new research, but also actively engaged with us in the design and continued growth of this community resource.

Some of the things we’re most proud of from 2020 are:

  • Reaching ambitious enrollment targets within six months of launch
  • Partnering with organizations all over the world to initiate a global data collaborative
  • Opening registrations for long COVID so we can better understand similarities and differences with ME/CFS

And we’re just getting started. We have lots of exciting plans for 2021 that we want you to be part of. If you haven’t signed up yet for this transformative research project, we need you! Register today and ask a friend or family member without ME/CFS to join too – controls are just as important.

Click here to learn more and sign up.

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