Meet Our Partners for Advocacy Week 2024

Solve is proud to announce our partners for Advocacy Week 2024:

Black COVID Survivors Alliance
Covid-19 Longhauler Advocacy Project
Pandemic Patients
Patient-Led Research Collaborative

Solve M.E. Advocacy Week 2024 will take place virtually April 15-19, 2024.

Advocacy Week is a nationwide advocacy effort to connect people with ME/CFS, Long Covid, POTS and other dysautonomias, Chronic Lyme, and other infection-associated chronic conditions and illnesses (IACCIs); scientists; clinicians and caregivers to share their unique stories with Congress.

Our ultimate goal is to make ME/CFS, Long Covid, and infection-associated chronic conditions and illnesses widely understood, diagnosable, and treatable.

There will be actions and events for every energy level and ability to join, from social media posts to virtual meetings with congressional leaders.

For new and seasoned advocates alike, we will host training sessions to make participating as seamless and effective as possible. We ensure every team includes an experienced advocate able to assist and answer questions.

This year, we’re using our meetings with legislators to educate them on the emerging science and community efforts under the umbrella of IACCIs, and helping Congress understand the need to establish a coordinating mechanism at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to address IACCIs. This would convene researchers across specialities, streamline resources, facilitate/require patient engagement, and improve external outreach with a plan to foster collaborative research, including those through clinical trials and sites and EHR study cohorts.

Solve Vice President of Advocacy Emily Taylor noted, “This year we are joining together with many partners because it’s critical that we educate Congress about the broader connections between infection-associated chronic conditions and illnesses. Together, we can show Congress there are millions of us suffering the same symptoms, the same underfunding, and the same disbelief. NIH must seek to help all of us equitably.”

#MEAction’s Programs and Campaign Director Erin Roediger stated, “#MEAction is proud to sponsor this year’s Advocacy Week. We recognize the importance congressional advocacy plays in building awareness that will hopefully lead to meaningful legislation and funding in the years to come. We are always so impressed by this community’s tenacity to continue to show up to ensure our voices and stories are heard in congressional offices.”

Teresa Akintonwa, Executive Director of Black COVID Survivors Alliance added, “This Advocacy Week, we (Black COVID Survivors Alliance) stand united to shine a light on the interconnected struggles of everyday people living with ME/CFS, Long Covid, and other chronic conditions in which disparities exist. The impact of unmasking our plight and priorities before Congress is not one to be underestimated.”

Infection-associated chronic conditions and illnesses represent a public health crisis! Long Covid is just the most recent in a long history of IACCIs. Please join our Advocacy Week actions and help millions of struggling Americans.

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