Solve-Funded Research Finds New Animal Models to Study ME/CFS–Related Muscle Fatigue and PEM
Post-exertional malaise (PEM) is the most prominent and common symptom of ME/CFS, but researchers have struggled to fully understand why patients with ME/CFS have this symptom. An important roadblock is […]
An Overview of the Fall 2024 PolyBio Symposium: Part Two
The PolyBio Research Foundation recently hosted its fall research symposium featuring project updates from some of the leading Long Covid scientists in the field, including Dr. Akiko Iwasaki, Dr. Michael […]
The RECOVER-TLC Event Day Two: Prioritization of Interventions, Study Design, and End Points
In 2021, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) launched its ambitious nearly $2 billion RECOVER Initiative, dedicated to finding the root causes of and possible treatments for Long Covid. Solve played […]
The RECOVER-TLC Event Day One: Lived Experience
In 2021, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) launched its ambitious nearly $2 billion RECOVER Initiative, dedicated to finding the root causes of and possible treatments for Long Covid. Solve played […]
Results from the RECOVER Long Covid Pediatric Study
People sometimes assume that young people don’t get Long Covid; or that if young people do, their symptoms are the same as those for adults. Emerging work from the RECOVER […]
ME/CFS Onset: Comparing Risks After COVID-19 or Other Illnesses
ME/CFS and Long Covid are both infection-associated chronic illnesses: ME/CFS is associated with EBV and other infections; and Long Covid, with SARS-CoV-2. Many symptoms of ME/CFS are the same as […]
Tetrahydrobiopterin—A Cause of Orthostatic Imbalance in People with ME/CFS
Dr. Avik Roy is the chief scientific officer and chief of neurobiology at the Simmaron Research Institute, a nonprofit organization researching ways to treat patients with ME/CFS or Long Covid. […]
A Root Cause for ME/CFS, Long Covid, and Post-Vaccine COVID-19 Syndrome: Damaged Pituitary Glands
Dr. Bruno Paiva (director of the Myeloma Group at the University of Navarra, Spain) and Mr. Manuel Ruiz-Pablos (research technician, medical student, and patient with ME/CFS) published hundreds of papers […]
Solve Science Spotlight: Researchers from the Solve M.E. Network Present at UniteToFight
UniteToFight—a virtual conference on Long Covid and ME/CFS—took place on May 15 and 16, 2024. Organized by five patients with Long Covid and attended by over 10,000 people from all […]
New Study By Dr. Akiko Iwasaki Finds That Autoantibodies Can Drive Severe Neurological Symptoms In People with Long Covid
Dr. Akiko Iwasaki is the Sterling Professor of Immunobiology at Yale University; director of the Yale Center for Infection and Immunity; one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential people in […]
New Publication by Solve Ramsay Grant Researcher Dr. Deborah Duricka Studies Efficacy of Stellate Ganglion Block in Reducing Post-Exertional Malaise and Improving Sleep and Neurological Function
Dr. Deborah Duricka—affiliate assistant professor at WWAMI School of Medicine and clinical research scientist at Neuroversion—was awarded a Solve M.E. Ramsay Research Grant in 2023 to study whether a procedure […]
New Study Supports Using Naltrexone to Treat Long Covid
Dr. Sonya Marshall-Gradisnik and her team have been developing a new way to treat patients with ME/CFS and Long Covid, and her most recent work may be a game changer. […]