Solve’s Advocacy Paves Way for ME/CFS Research in $500M Women’s Health Funding

Solve is dedicated to opening new funding avenues for research and care for those with ME/CFS, Long Covid, and infection-associated chronic conditions and illnesses (IACCIs). Each year, we specifically advocate […]
Solve M.E.’s Appropriations Efforts for 2024

At Solve M.E., our mission is to drive research and advocacy efforts for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Long Covid, and other infection-associated chronic conditions and illnesses (IACCIs). This year, […]
CDMRP for ME/CFS: Navigating the Grant Application Process

The FY22 Defense Appropriation provides funding to support therapeutic research related to medical threats, and treatments for Service Members in current and future battlefield settings. The managing agent for the […]
History made! Department of Defense Funds Its First-Ever ME/CFS Research Projects

Since 2017, unleashing the potential research funds from the Department of Defense (DOD) for ME/CFS has been one of our highest priorities. After more than three years of hard work, […]
ME/CFS Federal Funding: What We Know So Far

Thank you for your patience and for standing with Solve M.E. and our advocacy partners during a particularly turbulent year. Despite unprecedented obstacles, we accomplished victories and produced dollars for […]
Victory! Six Major Federal Wins for ME/CFS

Dear Friends, Throughout 2019, I reported on our advocacy gains for ME/CFS. Thank you for standing with me and our advocacy partners during a particularly turbulent year while we fought […]
Winning and Waiting: A Federal Funding Update for ME/CFS

What you Need to Know: The Senate Appropriations Committee included our ME/CFS Advocacy Day request for Defense. If approved in the final budget, ME/CFS will be an eligible topic area for the […]