Solve Author Series: Dr. Peter Rowe Discusses “Living Well with Orthostatic Intolerance: A Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment”

Orthostatic intolerance (OI) describes a group of circulatory disorders whose symptoms are characterized by a dramatic drop in blood flow to the brain when people are sitting for long periods […]
Challenges in Ensuring Equity In the Study and Treatment of ME/CFS and Long Covid

Co-presented by Peter Rowe, MD (Professor of Pediatrics, Director, Johns Hopkins Children’s Center Chronic Fatigue Clinic) and Camille Broussard, MD, MPH (Assistant Professor in the Division of Adolescent and Young […]
Pediatric Post-COVID Conditions

Long COVID & Fatiguing Illness Recovery Program Presenters include: Peter C. Rowe, MD Director of the Chronic Fatigue Center at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center Professor of Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins […]