Solve M.E./UCLA Announce Pilot Funding for ME/CFS Research

Second year of Solve/UCLA partnership September 2021–Solve M.E. is again partnering with the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Iris Cantor Women’s Health Center to fund ME/CFS research through their Annual Health […]
New Solve M.E. Study Investigates Use of Simple Saliva Sample to Diagnose ME/CFS

Solve M.E.’s dedication to collaborative ME/CFS research is longstanding and includes initiatives such as the You + ME Registry, which gathers and provides access to patient-provided data, the Ramsay Awards […]
Stunning Findings of New Pediatric ME/CFS Prevalence Study

7-Year Pediatric ME/CFS Prevalence Study Publishes Stunning Findings Last week, the journal Child & Youth Care Forum published the results of a seven-year ME/CFS prevalence study that screened more than 10,000 […]