Solve community member Rebecca Groble Hull successfully advocated for Evanston, Illinois Mayor Daniel Bliss to issue a mayoral proclamation in honor of May 12 as ME Awareness Day. Her son, Gabe, has suffered from ME/CFS for five years, and Rebecca pushed for the proclamation to raise awareness of ME/CFS and show support to patients and those in the nonprofit and medical worlds who have dedicated themselves to finding a cure.
Rebecca credited Solve with an assist, noting, “Solve M.E. CEO Emily Taylor guided me through the process of pushing for a proclamation acknowledging National ME Awareness Day on May 12 in Evanston. Thanks to Solve’s assistance that mayoral proclamation is officially on the books, which will help raise awareness about this devastating disease. Thanks, Solve, for being my partner in advocacy!”
Watch the Evanston City Council Meeting (the proclamation starts at 3:10, and Rebecca’s statement starts at 32:34).
Thank you, Rebecca, for your advocacy, and congratulations on this monumental success!