Long COVID & Fatiguing Illness Recovery Program ECHO


History of ME/CFS Lucinda Bateman, MD Medical Director, Provider, & Research expert in the diagnosis and treatment of ME/CFS. Founder and Chief Medical Officer of the Bateman Horne Center of Excellence A CDC-funded monthly webinar-style ECHO learning session to rapidly disseminate Post-acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) findings and emerging […]

2022 INIM Conference


Join the Institute for Neuro-Immune Medicine (Nova Southeastern University) on Friday, June 10th for their annual 2022 INIM Conference. The Institute's clinicians and researchers will discuss research and the various clinical approaches to ME/CFS and Long Covid. Patients, caregivers, family members and friends are welcome to attend. Register here.

How We Can See ME/CFS Inflammation in the Brain


Dr. Jarred Younger’s 2016 Ramsay Award was used to show that brain temperature is elevated in ME/CFS. This increased temperature is a sign of brain inflammation. The findings are now being replicated in a large group of individuals with ME/CFS. Dr. Younger’s lab is now developing new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography […]

Is There a Herpesviruses-Related Antibody Signature In Patients With ME/CFS?


Many patients with ME/CFS experience common herpesviruses infections at their disease onset. Alternatively, others experience reactivation of the same infections during the disease course. These facts suggest the existence of a disease-specific antibody signature related to these viruses. However, current evidence is conflicting about this signature due to the heterogeneous nature of the disease, the […]

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