Challenges in Ensuring Equity In the Study and Treatment of ME/CFS and Long Covid


Co-presented by Peter Rowe, MD (Professor of Pediatrics, Director, Johns Hopkins Children’s Center Chronic Fatigue Clinic) and Camille Broussard, MD, MPH (Assistant Professor in the Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine), this webinar will explore the dissonant results of epidemiologic studies that suggest Latinx and Black individuals have […]

Long COVID Technology

As we approach the end of the year, we are also wrapping up a stellar, year-long webinar partnership with the Global Interdependence Center that has explored the pandemic’s long-term healthcare, policy, and economic impact, specifically the implications of Long Covid. The final installment in the series, “Long Covid Technology,” will take place on December 20. […]

Meghan O’Rourke On Her NYT Bestseller The Invisible Kingdom: Reimagining Chronic Illness


Meghan O’Rourke will join us on Monday, January 23, 2023 at 12 PM PT to discuss her New York Times bestseller The Invisible Kingdom: Reimagining Chronic Illness, which is a finalist for the National Book Award in nonfiction. Meghan is recipient of numerous literary awards, including a Guggenheim Fellowship, a Radcliffe Fellowship, a Lannan Literary […]

Advocacy Cafe Chat

During Advocacy Month 2022, we premiered a new series spotlighting the voices of several standout members of our community as they inspired us with their stories, advocated for change, and answered your questions. This series — Advocacy Cafe — became a community favorite, and we’re excited to announce that we will continue hosting more throughout […]

Caring for The Caregiver


In this webinar, Stephanie Harrison, founder of The New Happy, joins Solve M.E. to help you cultivate greater well-being. She will share her unique perspective as a caregiver fused with her expertise in applied positive psychology. Her interdisciplinary approach to studying happiness is based on hundreds of academic studies and original research that informs The New Happy philosophy that true, […]

CDC Update: Recent Strides in Long Covid


In this webinar, Solve M.E. President Oved Amitay welcomes Dr. Elizabeth Unger, chief of Chronic Viral Diseases Branch at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and her CDC colleagues to share updates and progress on The School-Based Active Surveillance Project (presented by Anindita Nanda Issa, MD), the Long Covid Fatiguing Illness Recovery Program (ECHO) (presented by Jennifer […]

How to Make an Impact at the FDA’s Drug Development Meeting for Long Covid


On April 25th, 2023, FDA is hosting a virtual public meeting on Patient-Focused Drug Development (PFDD) for Long Covid. This meeting will provide FDA the opportunity to obtain initial patient and patient representative input on the aspects of Long Covid, including how Long COVID affects their daily life, the symptoms that matter most to patients, […]

March Advocacy Cafe Chat


During Advocacy Month 2022, we premiered a new series spotlighting the voices of several standout members of our community as they inspired us with their stories, advocated for change, and answered your questions. This series — Advocacy Cafe — became a community favorite, and we’re excited to announce that we will continue hosting more throughout […]

Solve M.E. Advocacy Week Training Sessions


No advocacy experience? Join our training sessions!   We’re hosting three virtual training sessions — all will cover the same material, to allow multiple opportunities to register. Join our virtual Congressional Meeting Trainings on Monday, April 3rd, Thursday, April 6th, and Tuesday, April 11, 2023. We will also have an In-Person Congressional Meeting Training on April 17th, 2023, […]

Advocacy Week 2023

Advocacy Week 2023 will take place virtually and in person throughout the week of April 17th to April 22nd, 2023!  Advocacy Week is a nationwide advocacy effort to connect people with ME/CFS, Long COVID, and associated conditions; scientists; clinicians, and caregivers to share their unique stories with Congress. Our ultimate goal is to make ME/CFS, […]

EmPOWER M.E. 2023: Navigating the World with Energy Limiting Disabilities


Hosting EmPOWER M.E. during Advocacy Week each year is one of our favorite ways to connect with our community after a long week of congressional meetings.  This year, our Lived Experience Taskforce (LET) partners helped us choose our topic: Navigating the World with Energy Limiting Disabilities. This special event on April 21 at 10 AM […]

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