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Webinar: Hydrogen Water Dosing Study for ME/CFS: A New Clinical Trial

February 28, 2024 @ 11:30 am - 12:30 pm PST

Free radicals are molecules with one or more unpaired electrons in their outer shells. They tear holes in cell membranes, releasing an overabundance of even more free radicals and preventing proper cell functionality.  

Antioxidants are molecules stable enough to donate an electron to a rampaging free radical and neutralize it, containing the damage it can cause. Some studies indicate that the antioxidant systems of ME/CFS patients cannot effectively contain an abundance of free radicals, causing inflammation, mitochondria and blood vessel damage, and other symptoms of ME/CFS. 

Hydrogen-enriched water is an effective antioxidant with the power to absorb free radicals. In this webinar, Fred Friedberg, PhD, (Research Professor at Stony Brook University School of Medicine), will discuss his current ongoing clinical trial “Hydrogen Water Dosing Study for ME/CFS,” designed to explore the potential benefit of the over the counter (OTC) supplement hydrogen water, for the symptoms of ME/CFS.

Recruitment for Dr. Friedberg’s study is being conducted on the Solve Together platform. 

For more information or to join, use the QR code below, click this link, or email us at research@solvecfs.org.

If you are already a Solve Together participant, you will automatically be considered in eligibility screening for this and all future studies and should hear from us within two  weeks of each study announcement.

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