Is There a Herpesviruses-Related Antibody Signature In Patients With ME/CFS?


Many patients with ME/CFS experience common herpesviruses infections at their disease onset. Alternatively, others experience reactivation of the same infections during the disease course. These facts suggest the existence of a disease-specific antibody signature related to these viruses. However, current evidence is conflicting about this signature due to the heterogeneous nature of the disease, the […]

Solve M.E. Research Team at IACFS/ME 2022 Conference


Join Solve M.E.'s research team at this year's IACFS/ME for a special presentation by Solve M.E.'s Kate Mudie, as well as a poster session, during the 2022 Virtual Scientific Conference from July 27 - 30, 2022! Presentation: Do people with joint hypermobility represent a subgroup of myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome? Poster Session: Baseline Characteristics […]

NIH ME/CFS Telebriefing


NIH's next ME/CFS telebriefing will be held on August 26, 2022 from 3:00- 4:00 pm ET. The telebriefing will include updates from NIH on ME/CFS-related research activities and a presentation by Lily Chu, MD, MSHS, Vice President of the International Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (IACFS/ME), on highlights from the IACFS/ME 2022 Virtual Medical […]

Pediatric Post-COVID Conditions


Long COVID & Fatiguing Illness Recovery Program Presenters include: Peter C. Rowe, MD Director of the Chronic Fatigue Center at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center Professor of Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Katherine Rowe, MD Charles W. Lapp, MD Amanda Morrow, MD Laura Malone MD, PhD Ella Eastin A CDC-funded monthly webinar-style ECHO […]

OT: The Role of Occupational Therapy in Care for ME/CFS


What is Occupational Therapy? How can it help people with ME/CFS? Amy Mooney, MS OTR/L, will share her expertise and what patients should know if they are looking for an Occupational Therapist. This webinar will describe occupational therapy’s role for providing symptom management and improving the quality of life for individuals with ME/CFS. Amy will […]

Long Covid & Fatiguing Illness Recovery Program


Research Update Featuring: Avindra Nath, MD (Clinical Director of National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke – NIH; Chief of the Section of Infections of the Nervous System – NIH; Director of the Translational Neuroscience Center – NIH) Article: Hector Bonilla, MD (Associate Professor of Medicine and Infectious Diseases – Stanford University Medical Director […]

COVID-19 as a Trigger for ME/CFS: Severity Biomarkers and Underlying Mechanisms


Since the beginning of the pandemic, SARS-CoV-2 has been suspected of causing chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). A well-controlled cohort study conducted by a group of researchers from Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) has now shown that in the subset of patients who suffer from fatigue and exertion […]

Fiona Lowenstein, Dona Kim Murphey and The Long Covid Survival Guide


For people living with Long Covid, navigating the uncharted territory of this new chronic illness can be challenging. With over two hundred unique symptoms, and with doctors continuing to work toward a cure, people experiencing Long Covid are often left with more questions than answers. The Long Covid Survival Guide is the first patient-to-patient guide […]

Challenges in Ensuring Equity In the Study and Treatment of ME/CFS and Long Covid


Co-presented by Peter Rowe, MD (Professor of Pediatrics, Director, Johns Hopkins Children’s Center Chronic Fatigue Clinic) and Camille Broussard, MD, MPH (Assistant Professor in the Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine), this webinar will explore the dissonant results of epidemiologic studies that suggest Latinx and Black individuals have […]

NIH ME/CFS Telebriefing


NIH’s next ME/CFS Advocacy Call will be held on May 1, 2023 from 12:00 – 1:00 pm ET. The webinar will include updates from NIH on ME/CFS-related research activities and a scientific presentation by Avik Roy, PhD, and Gunnar Gottschalk, PhD, investigators at Simmaron Research and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Please register in advance! During the webinar, […]

Stem Cell Therapy As a Potential Treatment for Long Covid


Solve is hosting the Hope Biosciences Research Foundation (HBRF) for a webinar on Thursday, May 25 at 10AM PT. HBRF has conducted three FDA-authorized studies in mesenchymal cell therapy for COVID-19 prevention and treatment, and two studies in Long Covid.  Join Solve President Oved Amitay and HBRF founder Donna Chang for a comprehensive discussion of […]


Join Solve Senior Director of Research Leslie E. Phillips, PhD for a walkthrough of our new patient-centered data platform, Solve Together! In this webinar, we'll share information about joining the platform, share tips for maximizing built-in tools for participants, and answer your questions. Solve Together is fully accessible by smartphone and will allow participants to […]

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