DIY (Do It Yourself) Fundraising

Thank you for your interest in supporting Solve M.E. through a DIY fundraiser. By raising money for Solve M.E., you are helping us get closer to treatments and ultimately, a cure for various “long-haul diseases” include ME/CFS and Long Covid.

Here you will find information to help you create a crowd source campaign or an event benefitting Solve M.E.

Thank you for mobilizing and engaging your family, friends and colleagues to support Solve M.E. We hope this information helps you in your fundraising journey. 

DIY Fundraiser Handbook

Contains best tips and online tools for creating an online fundraiser or event.

Solve M.E. Logo

Please feel free to use our logo to create a graphic that can be used on social media or online, printed on flyers, etc. We ask that you avoid changing our brand colors when possible (no purple, bright blue, etc.)  Please use the official logos and the tagline “a benefit for Solve M.E.”. 

For more information, contact:
Solve M.E. Development Department
(704) 364-0016 Ext 1207